‘Little Teacher’ in the Remedial Class: Effectiveness in Learning of Low-Achiever Students of Class IX Chemistry and Integrated Science of Class VII & VIII

Pema Tshojay *

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Tashi Dorji

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Kinga Wangmo

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Cheten Tshering

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Karma Jamtsho

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Kuenzang Thinley

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Chador Wangmo

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Sangay Wangmo

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

Rinzin Wangdi

Sonamthang Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Remedial classes, specifically meant for low-achiever students are very common in almost all the schools in Bhutan. However, it serves its purpose, only if it is effectively implemented with right choice of teaching strategy that caters the learning needs of low-achiever students. Hence, this action research explored the effectiveness of Little Teacher teaching method in the learning experiences and outcomes of low-achiever students of class IX chemistry and class VII & VIII integrated science during remedial classes. Data were collected through subject achievement test, survey questionnaire and classroom observations. A total of 60 students from class IX, VII and VIII were selected as participants through purposive sampling method. The data collected were analyzed through simple descriptive statistics that include mean and standard deviation by using Software Package for Social Science (SPSS). The study found that the low-achiever students preferred Little Teacher teaching method in remedial classes, evidenced by their high level of contentment towards Little Teacher teaching method.  Further, the study revealed that the Little Teacher teaching method is featured by enhanced comfort zone between little teacher and students which contributed to the active learning in the class. With the increased mean mark in post-test compared to the pre-test and the significant value, p = 0.00, the study concluded that the Little Teacher teaching method is effective in enhancing the learning outcomes of low-achiever students during remedial classes. Therefore, the study highly recommends Little Teacher teaching method to be used in order to have effective remedial classes for low-achiever students.

Keywords: Remedial class, little teacher teaching method, learning outcomes, low-achiever students

How to Cite

Tshojay, Pema, Tashi Dorji, Kinga Wangmo, Cheten Tshering, Karma Jamtsho, Kuenzang Thinley, Chador Wangmo, Sangay Wangmo, and Rinzin Wangdi. 2024. “‘Little Teacher’ in the Remedial Class: Effectiveness in Learning of Low-Achiever Students of Class IX Chemistry and Integrated Science of Class VII & VIII”. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science 37 (6):119-31. https://doi.org/10.9734/jesbs/2024/v37i61333.